
Antique Games Logo
Circles of Life Logo

The sculptures from the ongoing series Antique Games 
by using timeless, classical aesthetics visualise 
everlasting problems with which everyone needs to confront.

Classical elements go hand in hand with those borrowed from the world of pop-culture and encourage the viewers to reflect upon themselves as well as their here and now.

Background Image

see collection. play games

Antique Games Collection
This sculpture is losing its individuality, its face is brutally cut with a mirror of gold…

We cannot look in the eye, and the reflection we see will always be a look through the golden filter of consumption. 

“Social Mirror” is therefore a question and a story about the pursuit of the only pattern imposed on us by the river of our epoch and its “mainstream”.

love was such an easy game to play”…

Can love pass away? Is it only a game of illusion? An easy game rather than an everlasting promise? Do you rebel against an opinion that love is only a short term play? Have all the important values become relative and impermanent?

Three graces is a timeless topic taken up by artists in various epochs.

We know their performances from the Greeks through Rubens, Canova and many others. They were often an expression of the ideal of the female body and the canon of a given era.

What relationships you have 
with others?

What are you aiming for in those relationships? Do you care for them? Are they long lasting and meaningful?
Do you engage with them with honesty and awareness?

What sort of man are you? 
How do you percive a woman? 
Do you fully accept her complexity?

Except of her breasts can you also see her personality 
and spirituality? Do you find those values important? 
Or do you only see small fragments, like thought bubbles 
in a comic book? 
Have you ever put your eyes on a single bodypart, 
judging it without realising that it belongs to someone?

Have you ever dreamed about 
a body part without thinking about a woman as a whole?

Have you been told that this type of thinking 
is approved and correct?
Does it makes you feel heartbroken?
Or perhaps confused and torn-apart?

What relationships you have with women? 
Can you engage in them with responsibility?

Do you look for your own reflection in another person?

How do you perceive yourself? 

Are you your own mirror or do you look for your reflection in other people? What if your mirror is a distorting one and if creating your personality and working on your own progress can only be possible through a relationship with another person?

What do you find most important 
in another person?

Does external beauty always guarantee internal beauty? 
Or perhaps there is nothing but emptiness in there? 
Maybe all that glitters is not gold…

This sculpture is losing its individuality, its face is brutally cut with a mirror of gold…

We cannot look in the eye, and the reflection we see will always be a look through the golden filter of consumption. 

“Social Mirror” is therefore a question and a story about the pursuit of the only pattern imposed on us by the river of our epoch and its “mainstream”.

Two fists collide with each other and an explosion in the shape of 
a comic bubble filled with banknotes is created between them.

The fists break under their own pressure. The sculpture is constructed in such a way that its weight balances on the comic bubble, making the fists become the two sides of the swing.

This sculpture is losing its individuality, its face is brutally cut with a mirror of gold…

We cannot look in the eye, and the reflection we see will always be a look through the golden filter of consumption. 

“Social Mirror” is therefore a question and a story about the pursuit of the only pattern imposed on us by the river of our epoch and its “mainstream”.

Two fists collide with each other and an explosion in the shape of a comic bubble filled with banknotes is created between them.

The fists break under their own pressure. The sculpture is constructed in such a way that its weight balances on the comic bubble, making the fists become the two sides of the swing.

What relationships you have with others? What are you aiming for in those relationships?Do you care for them?

After the sweetness fades away and shallow relationship lost its taste – do you then spit it out like a pink chewing gum?

“I can’t get no satisfaction”

What role does money play in your life? It rules you and is the sole purpose of desire? Is consumption your only ambition? Are you able to truly Be in a world that is oriented towards having?

In the world of useless information, superficial beauty and money domination, 
do you dare to reach for something deeper?

Are you satisfied with a tempting flavor of a golden topping of pop culture or does it disgust you? Do you yield to temptation of simple pleasures?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.


Events & exhibitions


solo exhibition

Italy, Treviso


CSK Lublin – solo exhibition

CSK, Lublin, Poland


Galleria Vik (with CrisContini Contemporary) – solo exhibition

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Milano, Milano, Italy


Open Stal – 53rd edition ‘Dreamland’ – special guest at international group exhibition

“Slaves of pleasure” installation and drawings, videoart, Oldeberkoop, The Netherlands


“Il cuore del Mare” – solo exhibition

Cris Contini Contemporary Gallery, Porto Rotondo, Sardinia, Italy


“La Grande Belezza” – group exhibition

de Twee Pauwen Gallery, Haag, The Netherlands


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Michał Jackowski ul. Św. Krzysztofa 20 15-698 Bialystok, Poland

Gallery representation:

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[GB] Informacja o dofinansowaniu

[GB] Dofinansowanie w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia

Firma Pracownia Jackowski Michał realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia, oś priorytetowa 1 Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia, działanie 1.2 Internacjonalizacja MŚP, pn. „Internacjonalizacja w firmie Pracownia Jackowski Michał” nr projektu POPW.01.02.00-20-0034/22

Celem projektu jest przygotowanie firmy do wdrożenia MBI Internacjonalizacji, który zapewni zwiększenie aktywności gospodarczej Wnioskodawcy na rynkach międzynarodowych.

Efektem końcowym będzie:

- wzrost poziomu sprzedaży,

- zwiększenie konkurencyjności firmy,

- dywersyfikacja przychodów,

- uatrakcyjnienie oferty handlowej,

- rozwój kadry, poprzez powierzenie jej nowych zadań

Wartość projektu : 628 234,80 PLN

Wkład Funduszy Europejskich: 417 231,00 PLN