husband, father, sculptor
Born in 1978 in Poland. Graduated from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts in Poland. Author of recognized sculptures.
Michał Jackowski born in 1978 roku in Białystok (Poland), finished his artistic studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2003. He attained professional skills and experience in the field of stone carving and the ins and outs of creating bronze sculptures under the supervision of exquisite academic masters: prof. Janusz Pastwa and prof. Piotr Gawron.
He practised his drawing skills following the guidance of Prof. Grzegorz Stechańczyk and learnt the secrets of animated films in the workshop of Prof. Daniel Szczechura. After finishing his studies and alongside almost 15 years of work in the area of conservation and care of sculptural monuments, especially figurative sculptures, Jackowski has developed his own style, based on the classical canons of proportion and beauty (sectio aurea).
Established in the antiquity (both Greek and Roman) and excellently adapted and interpreted in the periods of Renaissance and Classicism, as well as in the art of the 19th century, the ancient principles bear in themselves the code of perfection and proportion, harmony and simplicity, the logic of form and the beauty of the human body.
The Polish artist skilfully combines classical forms with the elements of contemporary experiences, resulting from the culture of consumerism and post-consumerism, especially with regard to American pop-art.
Thanks to the above, Jackowski’s works contribute a universal language and fresh iconographic codes to 21st-century European art, and, thereby, world art.
Both in the compositions comprising the main series in Jackowski’s artistic output, known under the title “Antique Games”, as well as in the newest series (of 2022) entitled “In the Circle of Life,” the Polish sculptor asks questions about the most essential values in human life: the human condition in the contemporary world, the connections and correlations between the past and the present, the relationships between people and the quality of those relationships – especially in the light of the eternal choices between the physical and spiritual dimensions.
Jackowski has his sculpting studio in Białystok (Poland). Apart from Poland, he had exhibitions in Florence, Rome, Como, Zurych, Basel, London, Miami, Bergamo, Milan and Büdelsdorf.
He has received numerous artistic awards, including the following: at the Florence Biennale in 2017 (two awards); at Artroom Awards Competition London in 2019 (ARTLOVE UK and Vastari Museums Platform awards); at Artrooms Fair Roma (the Umberto Mortari Award); the 11 HELLHEAVEN ART GALLERY Award in 2019; award from Mayor of Białystok for Exceptional Achievement in 2020. In 2022, Jackowski was honoured with the Audience Award at NordArt 2022 and NordArt 2023 in Büdelsdorf (Germany).
Deeply connected to the tradition of Antiquity, Michal unites classical elements and the modern mythology of consumerism symbolized by speech balloons, chewing gums, The Beatles lyrics, generating a deeply surprising and contrasting relationship between tradition and modern times.
Furthermore, the artist focuses his research on people, their spiritual condition and interpersonal relations by bringing out eternal questions that we all need to confront.
Classical aesthetics and antique elements are combined with pop-culture references that encourage the viewers to not only reflect on themselves but also on their connection with both the past and the present.
Usually works in marble and bronze.
[GB] Informacja o dofinansowaniu
[GB] Dofinansowanie w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia
Firma Pracownia Jackowski Michał realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia, oś priorytetowa 1 Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia, działanie 1.2 Internacjonalizacja MŚP, pn. „Internacjonalizacja w firmie Pracownia Jackowski Michał” nr projektu POPW.01.02.00-20-0034/22
Celem projektu jest przygotowanie firmy do wdrożenia MBI Internacjonalizacji, który zapewni zwiększenie aktywności gospodarczej Wnioskodawcy na rynkach międzynarodowych.
Efektem końcowym będzie:
- wzrost poziomu sprzedaży,
- zwiększenie konkurencyjności firmy,
- dywersyfikacja przychodów,
- uatrakcyjnienie oferty handlowej,
- rozwój kadry, poprzez powierzenie jej nowych zadań
Wartość projektu : 628 234,80 PLN
Wkład Funduszy Europejskich: 417 231,00 PLN