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Why She II

I use a cartoon bubble as a mental shortcut, a symbol of the way of thinking. We often have ideas about the other person in our heads that are not a true and comprehensive image of the person.

“Why she has to go I don't know, she wouldn't say ... "

What sort of man are you? How do you perceive a woman? Do you fully accept her complexity? Apart from her breasts can you also see her personality and spirituality? Do you find those values important? Or do you only see small fragments, like thought bubbles in a comic book? Have you ever put your eyes on a single body part, and judged it without realising that it belongs to someone?

Are you willing to give? Can you see a woman, rather than only looking at her? Have you ever dreamed about a body part without thinking about the woman as a whole? Have you been taught that such thinking is correct and approved of? Does that make you feel heartbroken? Or perhaps confused and torn apart? What relationship do you have with women? Can you engage in them responsibly? Are you willing to give? Can you see a woman, beyond merely looking at her?

The work "Why She .." took its title from an excerpt from the Beatels' song "Yesterday" “Why she has to go I don't know, she wouldn't say ... " (... she had to leave because you think of her that way)


[GB] Informacja o dofinansowaniu

[GB] Dofinansowanie w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia

Firma Pracownia Jackowski Michał realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia, oś priorytetowa 1 Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia, działanie 1.2 Internacjonalizacja MŚP, pn. „Internacjonalizacja w firmie Pracownia Jackowski Michał” nr projektu POPW.01.02.00-20-0034/22

Celem projektu jest przygotowanie firmy do wdrożenia MBI Internacjonalizacji, który zapewni zwiększenie aktywności gospodarczej Wnioskodawcy na rynkach międzynarodowych.

Efektem końcowym będzie:

- wzrost poziomu sprzedaży,

- zwiększenie konkurencyjności firmy,

- dywersyfikacja przychodów,

- uatrakcyjnienie oferty handlowej,

- rozwój kadry, poprzez powierzenie jej nowych zadań

Wartość projektu : 628 234,80 PLN

Wkład Funduszy Europejskich: 417 231,00 PLN